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Planning for Trip?

Traveling is the most fun thing to do, but it can turn into a nasty affair if you don’t do it right. Proper research and planning a perfect trip that suits your need is necessary to make it enjoyable & memorable. The most difficult decision is to decide where and how to spend your holiday. To enjoy your vacation to its full, you have to organize your plan. Simple tips and rules may assist you to a captivating journey..

How can Plan Trip with our interest?

Book customized tour packages: You can tailor your itinerary to suit your interests and only indulge in experiences you want to, that too at comparatively low prices.

Duration of trip?

Plan your trip according to the amount of time you have at hand.

Purpose of trip?

Family trip? Business? Corporate? Honeymoon? Adventure? Educational? Where you should go depends on why you’re taking the trip.

Which Precautions should take of Documents while travelling?

Print copies of all your travel documents, especially passport. Leave behind a copy of your passport with someone you trust. Scan your travel documents and store them in your phone or laptop, in case you lose the physical documents. Also send those scanned copies to your email ID, so that you can access them in case you lose your phone as well. Make sure you keep ID cards for each member going with you; in case of emergency it may be required.

How could save money on trip?

Nobody likes to travel at the expense of going bankrupt. Spend wisely and cut down on unnecessary costs. Try and travel in low season. For intra-city transport, use public transport facilities. Eat street food rather than dining on fancy cuisines in restaurants. That’ll anyways give you a better taste of the local culture and the actual food of the country/city.

Packing: the most important thing while travelling

Pack items like your laptop in smaller bags so you have options when you’re out and about. Carry an extra set of clothes, or maybe two, regardless of whether you’re going to a beach destination, or where the weather is rainy. Make a list of items you want to take with you. Afterwards, narrow down the list with important stuff only so you do not have to carry a bundle of unnecessary things with you. When you have a lot of things to carry, you must think to cut down your burden. Of course you are used to have many things that are the part of your routine but when u decides to enjoy a long holiday, you have to restrict yourself on limited stuff to carry along with you. For this, make a summarized list and trim it again. Always pack a towel, Buy a small backpack/suitcase, Pack light. Take extra socks, Take an extra bank card and credit card with you etc.

Is India a good travel destination?

One of the best in the world, with a vast variety of destinations clustered together in a single country, from the Miami-esque glitz of Mumbai to the Raj-era holdovers in Kolkata, the parched landscapes and Tuscany-like city states in Rajasthan or the quiet backwaters of Kerala. Here’s some inspiration for planning the perfect first-timers trip

Consider Going Vegetarian during Your Trip

Most Indians are vegetarian and the vegetarian food available in India is diverse, healthy, fresh and delicious. Many travelers choose to eat vegetarian during their visit because it reduces your risk of getting sick from badly prepared meat.

Which Things should do and Don’t?

The most important thing you can do while traveling is sleep. Your body needs rest when you’re physically traveling, crossing time zones, carrying luggage to and from destinations, walking all day, and so forth. Traveling is harsh on your body so make sure you get plenty of rest. While Travelling don’t argue or misbehave with your Driver or Guide. He is your well-wisher, listen his and don’t do those things, don’t have any idea about.

Which health Precautions should take?

It can be difficult to eat a healthy balanced meal with all the essential vitamins when traveling so take your daily multi-vitamins to supplement your meals. Buy fruit at the grocery store and eat them for breakfast or as healthy snacks throughout the day. Bananas, apples, and oranges can be found virtually in any grocery store in the world. Protect your skin from being outdoors by wearing sunscreen with minimum SPF 15. Reapply every two hours if you can. If you’re visiting an area with a large population of mosquitoes and insects, be sure to wear insect repellent to prevent bites. Enjoy your Trip and stay healthy! Feel free while traveling....

How can get more enjoyable trip?

One of the most important thing while traveling in India is to only include a few stops on your itinerary and spend more time in each one – rather than trying to cover too much on your trip. Instead, take your time and explore fewer destinations in more depth – you’ll have a more enjoyable trip. Also, you’ll have more opportunities to connect with the local people and have interesting experiences.

What are SS/ EPAI / EP / CP / CPAI/ MAP/ MAPAI/ APAI Plan?

SS Is Sightseeing EP is European plan i.e. only stay MAP Modified American Plan i.e. Stay with One Major meal (Lunch or Dinner) AP is American plan i.e. Stay with all Food CPAI / MAPAI / APAI /- Food plan with taxes included written as all inclusive.

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